Dust build-up is a common, but solvable, problem on lime kiln ID fans. In 2014, AirStream contacted an East Coast pulp mill presenting a unique approach to evaluating problems with dust build-up on the mill’s Lime Kiln ID Fan.

The Challenge

In 2014, AirStream contacted an East Coast pulp mill presenting a unique approach to evaluating problems with dust build-up on the mill’s Lime Kiln ID Fan. Due to high vibration caused by scaly build-up, the fans were being cleaned every few weeks. During the evaluation process, both fans were identified to be operating at low efficiency, primarily due to the radial blade design. While offering intrinsically lower efficiencies, radial bladed fans are often selected for use in dusty applications because they are thought to minimize build-up.

The Solution

AirStream worked with plant personnel to gather detailed information, including data for the existing fan housing, bearings, motor and coupling. Control room operating was obtained and performance tests were conducted to enable AirStream to design a rotor upgrade with increased performance, improved efficiency and drastically reduced dust build-up. The upgrade did not require modification to the housing or surrounding equipment.

The Results

After one full year of service, the fan hadn’t been required to shut down for cleaning. Inspection of the rotor revealed elimination of the hard build-up. 43kW of VFD input power savings were reported.